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Sunday, January 5, 2014

ada UANG dari 8Shared


pa kabar agan2 yang baik hati, beberapa bulan vakum, kini saya ingin berbagi info menarik tentunya buat teman-teman, menarik apanya yang menarik? nah langsung saja kita ke topik menarin ini, sebut saja "8Shared". sedikit ciyess hehe topik kita hari ini, eh bukan main-main ni bro/sist :). bro/sist selalu online lewat FB atau twitter kan? tapi kita tak pernah berfikir bagaimana mendapatkan uang/income dari internet. nah tugas bro/sist disini cuma " Just shared iklan, dan apabila kawan-kawan bro/sist klik iklan tersebut, bro/sist akan dapat duit!!!

sabar-sabar, ini bukan skim cepat kaya, tapi ini adalah 8Shared, dan spertinya dah ramai blogger 8Shared memasang iklan untuk mendapat income sampingan. ini real bro/sist

oke langsung sajaApa itu 8Share?
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    Yang aku kira tu untuk 30 orang je klik, coba bayangkan kalau 100 orang klik dalam waktu sehari???haa banyak kan??ala...dari bro/sist online kat FB tanpa dapat faedahh, baik bro/sist shared iklan, dapat jugak sedikit income kan??duduk depan laptop je pom...dan yang paling penting DAFTAR FREE okay!!hewhew
  • bro/sist boleh lah daftar dulu :)

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Sunday, February 24, 2013

an amazing thing in battery


hai .. how are you doing today?

now we are talking about a virus that turns its energy quite unique and beneficial, long story short battery everyday always not far from our life turns out is made from a virus ..
let's read hehehe

Battery is no stranger to us. The battery is a device that stores electrical-chemical energy and emit energy in the form of electricity. Usually the battery is now always used carbon rod as anode (positive pole of the battery, zinc (Zn) as the cathode (negative pole of the battery) and paste as the electrolyte (conductor), then we know that As with conventional batteries. Batteries of this type has limitations, namely can not compete with gasoline as an energy source because they quickly exhausted.

But recently, an international team of researchers at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology to try to make a big leap to overcome the problem of the battery. They harvest the construction talents microscopic viruses (virus M13) to create an ultra-mini battery ultra-long-lived.

By manipulating a few genes, the team consisting of the professors (Angela Belcher, Paula Hammond and Yet Ming Chiang) was able to fool a single-celled organism to grow and divide into the function of electronic devices. Batteries that exist in their shadow until later is the grain size.

In his research, a team of MIT converts genetic information virus envelope protein that collect molecules of cobalt oxide and gold. Viruses are being negatively charged is then infiltrated between oppositely charged polymers to form a flexible sheet and very thin. The results manifest as virus-rich layer film and acts as the anode, as contained in his report in the latest issue of the journal Science.

Cobalt metal oxide selected as an element because it is considered to have an energy capacity is excellent. Its energy density could be two to three times higher than the existing battery with the same size and weight. "The addition of gold elements will further enhance the energy density," said Belcher, the team leader.

As stated Belcher, anodes six nanometers in diameter (or six per billionth of a meter) long and 880 units of the same was the first step towards the battery capacity (energy) that large will never die. And once able to do engineering, it will be easy for them to produce millions of identical cloned virus.
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47 the unpublished historical facts


Hello ... friends .. it was again unhappy friend, what is said today, whether or not it does not really matter to get a bit of interesting news.
This time let's look at the facts for a moment that it is needed by the general public, but hidden, somehow the fact it was not revealed to the public?
Please read and if there is time to tell your friends, the people around you.

Many historical facts are deliberately concealed from public knowledge. Perhaps because of the evils committed by the authorities in the past, or it could be to hide the evil conspiracies to vested political and economic interests of certain groups. Or maybe because there are events that are not well documented. In addition there is also the fact-
faktamengagumkan that existed throughout history and can add to our knowledge.

The existence of tailless ape-faced man who had brain volume twice as large compared to human faces other tailless apes, and they made the tooling for the first time about 2 million years ago. They are divided into four different races after 1 million years later and one of them later left Africa. They can then speak the language around 400,000 years ago and in that time they have spread in Africa, Europe and Asia.
Finally, a large group of Asian people migrated from Asia to America, when the continents of Asia and America are connected in the north. Then they live all over the north and south of the American continent, which may be known as the Indians - Native Americans is wrong to be named by Columbus, because Columbus thought he had reached India, so he called them Indians or people of India.
Giant statue of the Sphinx in Egypt have been built around the year 8000 BC (Before Christ) by the dark brown in northern Africa, 4000 years before the rise of civilization in Egypt. Measure of time is calculated by scraping the rain on the stone statue. This method is a more accurate way to measure the age of stone statues.
Brazil was discovered by the regional seas around the year 531 BC or maybe before then by the Phoenicians. Nations Phoenicians the first nation to trade across the oceans. They live in nearby Lebanon (is first cultured city in the world) and they have crossed the Atlantic from the African continent and conducting trade activities with the local community there for many years. The local community is really coming on foot from China many years earlier.
Cleopatra (69 to 30 BC), queen of Egypt was 16 years old but is known to have an abnormal sexual desire (sex maniac) and the time that she was the wife of Julius Caesar. His first love was when he was 12 years old and he has a special temple occupied boyfriends and sex party in there. Cleopatra then committed suicide when he was 38 years old.
The Chinese crossed the ocean with the ship and find Mexico around the year 459 AD and other countries.
The Vikings of northern Europe have small colonies around the east coast of America around the year 900 BC.
Southern Europeans first discovered North America in the year 1472 is a Portuguese named Joao vas de Corte Real in the discovery of a secret mission. But the nation Phoenicians probably visited North America long before that. And Columbus first came twenty years later, in 1492, and he called for Hispaniola Haiti!
Mills Darden (the U.S. in 1798 to 1857) weight is 463 pounds, while his wife is only 46 kg
Antonio Meucci (1808-1889) from Italy invented the telephone in 1849, and Alexander Graham Bell, who actually worked on Meucci, patent copies in 1876 and recognized as a discovery!
Sir Joseph Wilson Swan patented the light bulb for the first time in 1878 in England. And Thomas Alva Edison made a little mock better, then he tried to get a patent on the artificial bulbs in the United States about a year later. Thomas Alva Edison introduced the electric light bulb was an invention. But in 1892 the Company merged with Swans Edisons and became General Electric, and after that they are using the original method of Swans findings to make a light bulb.
Famous scientist Nicola Tesla (1856-1943) discovered the radio in 1893 and patented it, means that Marconi was not the real inventor.
The four pieces of the chimney of the Titanic turned out a hoax, just to look like really four pieces!
Charles Lindberg was human-to-82 that flew over the ocean, but he was the first to do it alone.
Vatican state was established in 1929 with the help of a fascist dictator, Mussolini who want to get the support of the church.
The most vicious criminals: Herman Webster Mudgett (1860-1896), known as Dr. Harry Howard Holmes has killed about 150 young women, but he claims to be "only" killed 27 people. He rents rooms in the "palace" hers in Chicago, which is actually a house of horrors. There dibuatkannya secret passageways through the meandering from one room to another, each room is equipped with a secret elevator, each bedroom contrived soundproof, acid pools (perhaps in order to squash the body), the gas chambers, a table surgery is equipped with a stretch of the human body, private crematorium, and a cellar (bunker) is very large which found many parts of the human body mutilated. He sold the skeletons of his victims to the medical schools. Victims hung for 10 minutes before dying.
Albert Fish (1870-1936) a cannibal to eat at least fifteen children, but he was only sentenced to two homicides and last victim was a boy about ten years old, Grace Budd, who cut in small sizes and then dimasaknya with wartel pieces and onion. In the letter to his mother he wrote "This is a little donkey that dipanggangnya in the furnace".
Mother was the youngest in the world is a child from Peru named Lina Medina which time she conceived five years and seven months. She later gave birth to a healthy boy by caesarean section in May 1939 and the father of the baby was never found. His parents first suspected Lina Medina suffered from a kind of tumor, but it turns out she was pregnant since she was 4 years old and already had my period since the age of three. Lina is developing normally and get a second child in 1972, 33 years after her first child was born.
Otto Hahn, a German made the first atomic bomb in 1938.
When invaded Belgium, Germany for the first time an attack using an umbrella with a number of puppet troops to confuse the enemy (the first time Germany did not use puppets to attack his umbrella when the troops invaded Norway) plus a unique glider equipped with a bomb is really efficient. This was done to destroy the bridges and to master the most important places "almost impossible" to be taken as fortress Eben Emael.
All the crazy idea but it works so well has been developed by the evil genius, Hitler and all are original ideas of their own. Hitler was really a lover of war, and it was really designed for the first time almost everything that makes Germans have a horrible combat forces. From the start of every detail of the army uniform and rank mark, get training methods are complex but effective war, everything was her own idea. Although very nasty but all he did was amazing.
When the British began plans to invade Norway, bebapa month before Germany is also doing the same thing with a huge fleet gathered in the North Sea., But when British forces met near Oslo German navy, Britain reversed course to back Norway. However, only a limited number of troops involved in the fighting.
All the crazy idea but it works so well has been developed by the evil genius, Hitler and all are original ideas of their own. Hitler was really a lover of war, and it was really designed for the first time almost everything that makes Germans have a horrible combat forces. From the start of every detail of the army uniform and rank mark, get training methods are complex but effective war, everything was her own idea. Although very nasty but all he did was amazing.
When the British began plans to invade Norway, bebapa month before Germany is also doing the same thing with a huge fleet gathered in the North Sea., But when British forces met near Oslo German navy, Britain reversed course to back Norway. However, only a limited number of troops involved in the fighting.
Biggest hero in World War II was Michel Hollard and he was the sole ruler who started most efficient intelligence organization in France called "Reseau Agir" which has 60 secret agents stationed in strategic places throughout France. He collects himself and megirimkan information and fellow agents do not know each other. He then infiltrated into France via the Swiss border, the "impossible" to traverse. Because he does not believe the military information for certain, before 1942 it crossed the border most difficult in the world 94 times. Hollard is a person who finds all the V1 missile base, a few months before the missiles were completed. The missiles are made with extreme safety systems and scalable, made only in the past 4 months and none of the German workforce who know the purpose of the installation. But Hollard managed to find everything and to-44 missile bases were bombed so shattered, a few days before their work is complete. Bases are built to send 5000 missiles each month and will be 50,000 pieces super bomb before "D-Days" (= the term for the actual D-day battle, which is dated June 6, 1944, when Allied troops landed in Normandy to attack Germany occupied France - Book Donald L.Miller: Bhs. Ind. or Bhs.Ing) and at least 20,000 pieces of the missile will hit the city of London, but it ended up just being a whole 2400 attacks. Hollard was arrested in 1944 due to a person's betrayal. He was tortured by the Gestapo, but he did not say anything. He was sent to the Neuengamme, one of the worst concentration camps. But Hollard retaliated by hiding more than 1,000 weapons parts that must be linked back to the prisoners, and he then managed to survive after an exchange of fire at the camp.
Mass murder - according to the report of the High Council of the United States named "Walter reports" made in 1971 amounted to between 323 and 617 million people were killed by the Chinese government, from 1949 to 1971. While the Hsiao report Mieh (B.Ind - B.Ing) mentions only the events that lead to 51-55 5 to 10 million people died. Radio Peking reported that the official number of "being worn" in a few months and the largest number of 2.326 million people in one month. Between 8 and 10 million people were murdered by the Soviet government. In its report Jezjovtsjina in 1936 to 1938 at least 19 million more people, died between 1921 and 1960 in the famous Soviet prison. There are at least 27 to 29 million people or more than 25% are people of Jewish descent.
Nazi Adolf Eichmann Otto says ready to die for his responsibility for the killing of at least 5.7 million Jews. But the murder by the Nazis around 8 plus 6 million Jews and 10 million other citizens (most of them were laborers and poor people) is a total of at least 12 to 18 million people have been killed dead. Massacres also gets "help" from local groups such as partisan-partisan national Litauan which killed about 229,052 Jews and some of it happened Luthuania filmed by the Nazis as part of the command as both propaganda and propaganda and instructions to einsatzgruppe.
All the horrible mass murder is generally intended to reduce the population. It includes efforts such as cheap and easy to create a systematic starvation, deadly and hard work in the great old ships were then sunk. Estimated figures are lower than actual fact (with full documentation), as estimated by historians that in fact the numbers are definitely higher than that.
The second atomic bomb dropped on Nagasaki by the U.S. in 1945 came from a different type of impact ever tested by the U.S. air force. They did not give Japan time to surrender and chose two cities of the same size size. The U.S. does not plan prevents severe damage in Hiroshima and Nagasaki, for example using conventional bombs, but they really mean to destroy virtually every city in Japan with a bomb blast. Quite odd couple of articles about the "atomic bomb" is rarely mentioned about the second bombing in Nagasaki made (or the number of casualties there) and the fact that Japan is not really able to resist the attack. To attack the bombers that they can not. But Japanese leaders are still reluctant to give up, even after the second bomb on Nagasaki. Had the Japanese emperor ordered the Japanese military to surrender before the bombings may not have happened.
The late Haji Muhammad (HM) is a person born in Palembang Azharie native who used to live in Fagih Usman Road Lr Stairs King RT 13 RW 03 No. 308, 2nd Marine Ulu Palembang. The figure of the father of 13 children in his role as the merchant is Palembang Palembang fro - Bengkulu that the magnitude of his generosity and spirit contributed to "hide" in his residence at Bung Karno at 2 Ulu and services thanks anyway, Bung Karno in exile in Bengkulu can " qualified "to Jakarta via Palembang.
Based on the reports of John Perkins, then Richard Nixon, the 36th President of the United States, said Indonesia must not fall into the hands of the Soviet Union or China. Bak tit for tat corporatocracy kleptocracy welcomed the New Order regime. This pattern makes conspiracy construction vicious cycle of debt. Most of the debt used to build infrastructure projects undertaken at the same time enriching the corporatocracy kleptocracy. Conspiracy corporatocracy-kleptocracy seem Paiton project whose value USD3, 7 miliar.Harga electricity 60% more expensive than in the Philippines, or 20 times that in the U.S..
In fact, President Soekarno or Bung Karno (BK) is antikorporatokrasi. Evidently, since 1951 through its policies Bung Karno (Law No. 44/1960) to freeze for MNC.Pembekuan petroleum concessions it made three large (Stanvac, Caltex and Shell) require negotiation ulang.Tapi, Bung Karno threatened, "I give you the time a few days. Would I cancel all concessions if it did not meet my demands. "
Paiton funds channeled from debt export credit agencies in the West. Corruption begins when 15.75% of shares are paid to the mega cronies and family kleptocracy. Land acquisition to monopoly supply of coal without tender. Apparently, the project value Paiton tergelembungkan 72% and Indonesia 30 years must pay 8.6 cents per kwh while the ability to charge 2 cents.
Unsolved crimes that most (at least until the year 1996) is when hordes of American military and some civilian citizens of Germany, took the German state-owned gold reserves in 1945 and the other items were worth about 400 million dollars.
Paul Anderson, the heavy lifting of the U.S. athletes who won gold medals in 1956, managed to lift the barbell weighing 3000 kilograms in 1957 only with the back of her and William Pagel, lifting weights 500 pounds heavier than Paul Anderson as he climbed the stairs two or four yards.
Richest man in the world for twenty years was a leading figure of a shipping enterprise is the introvert Daniel K Ludwig (1897-1992) which has a wealth of at least 3,000 million dollars in 1977 (which would be about 12,000 million dollars in 1997). He donated most of his wealth much for cancer research. You can compare it with the wealth of Howard Hughes that "only" 1373 million dollars in 1976. While the sheikh of Kuwait succeeded in generating wealth since 1974 more than 3,800 million dollars per year and a maharani of India, about double the wealth Ludwig, before the Indian government declared taking his entire estate by means taxes. The Maharani was having a full basement in the palaces filled with a number of gold and precious stones. Then the government of India set that has gold in private is illegal, and he was never late paying taxes. He is also known to have a party of the jet. Then the Sultan of Brunei was the richest man in 1997 with a fortune of about 38,000 million dollars. In 2007, William Gates III listed as the richest person with a net worth of about 56,000 million dollars, the amount is remaining possessions after he dermakan nearly half that in 2000 there were more than 118,000 million dollars. Ingvar Kamprad, the Swedish founder of IKEA eventually become the richest to-4 in the year 2007 with a net worth of about 33,000 million dollars.
Average age of marriage of girls in India in 1980 only 14.5 years.
Internet is opened to everyone the first time on 30 April 1993 as www (World Wide Web) and the link is the key success.
An Englishman who suffered bad press, finally revived in 1997 after 8 years of coma.
Average age of marriage for girls in Yemen or Jemen (one of the countries in the Arab lands) in 2005 was 14.3 years and in 1999 the age limit stipulated by law marriage from 15 years to the age of early puberty, so the girls can marry at age 9 years. But the part that is really bad is that most marriages are arranged without regard to their feelings. Even the children of these women do not know much about sex (on the grounds of religious teachings) so that they enter perawinan firsts ends with a shock of emotion!
About the wonders of nature. There is a river located in the basement, located slightly below the Nile - six times the size of the river Nile. Nile river itself flowed 1360 million cubic meters of water each day.
The highest waterfall in the world is Salto del Angel in Venezuela is 979 meters in height.
The people who do the cutting of trees in the forest (in most countries) is to be used for firewood or to open new agricultural land. The trees in the rain forest works hold rain water in the soil and clean air for us to breathe. But that is deforested in some tropical countries will be easily swept away by the water when heavy rains can spend the source of the fish on the beach and could transform the land into a desert. In Haiti the forest green lived 5%, also in other countries, even less. While the tallest tree in the world is 113 meters tall redwood, in the U.S..
Birds are known as pigeon walking on the ground in North America have been killed from 5,000 to 10,000 million in 1880.
The next ice age will come about 100 for up to 4000 years, according to the latest variations and we are now at the end of the warm up to-20, which started the year 9000 BC.
Superstition. Elimination of 13 lines in the airplane seat, no floor numbering 13 in some countries (notably the USA), there is no room number 13 in hotels and the king of Sweden refused to eat with 13 people at one table!
Some popular myths are false. Like the story of pirates in the past in fact actually almost never told his captive as "punishment plunge into the sea" as it is often shown in the movie. And just a few pirates looking for treasure, because the pirates typically only share the spoils with fellow friends and spend spree at the next port. So almost no treasure map in real life. Unless the story of the sinking of the Spanish ship containing gold.
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Monday, February 18, 2013

Karapan Kerbau


Kebo Barapan

Barapan kebo is a traditional event of the sandro, Jockey and part time Buffalo sumbawa planting season arrives. Kebo Barapan tradition not only be held in Pamulung but exists also in the village of Upper Moyo, Senampar Village, Village Poto, Lengas Village, Batu Village Bangka, village to village Maronge Utan as typical cultural event Sumbawa.

Barapan Kebo or buffalo style Karapan Sumbawa is held at the beginning of the rice planting season. Location or Arenas Barapan Kebo is rice that has been flooded or wet knees. Treatment buffalo owners Barapan Kebo same jargon as Abuse audition Main Jaran. Buffalos participants collected 3 days or 4 days before the cultural event was held, for the measured height and age. It is intended, to be determined in what class buffalos can dilombahkan. The duration or length of the event is determined by how much jargon Buffalo who participated in the cultural event Barapan Kebo.

The things that make it much different from Madura Bull Race or Mekepung in Bali is the stage of the fighting sandro science, and the jockeys compete kumbar, when "Sakak" magic wand Sandro barrier can be moved by the power of the bull run with the help of back-up jockeys Sandro and buffalo participants. Couples won the champion bull buffalo was the fastest solo goal can touch or drop all wooden stakes mark called Sakak finish.

Besides the terms used in accessories and Kebo Barapan cultural moment is equally unique, such as:
Noga: is a unifying timber neck brace pair Barapan jargon.
Kareng: is a stand or a footrest bar the jockey barapan assembled triangular.
Mangkar: is pelecut or whip hyper buffalo Jargon.
Sandro: is a term for people with knowledge of supernatural magic ala sumbawa owned by the distinctive colored dress all in black.
Older: lyric poem is a reflection undertaken between Sumbawa region terikan win the jockey, when buffalo were able to touch and without the slightest drop fell from his Kareng.
Ngumang: victory is boasted as a decoy and seduce her audience barapan-flirt with older rebound control.

Sources: Disporabudpar Kab. Sumbawa
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Bangka Bela

In ancient times on the island of Java there was a big change in society and government. The state of nature and society are overcome with anxiety. Concerns of some people when it happens because it is often hit by riots, earthquakes, and other natural disasters. Some people can not stand to live in the region of origin. Hence came the idea sponsored by a Javanese nobleman named Mr. Romeo. So Mr. Romeo will invite some of his followers and other people he knew, like The Portuguese who took seven people, and some are descendants of Chinese who come to support the idea of ​​Mr. Romeo. The goal is wandering to seek a better life, safe, serene and peaceful.

Mr. Romeo began to leave the land of Java in silence - silence with his followers towards the end of Indonesia. Precisely at the time of the Full Moon, because at that time the state of calm sea water for a long journey. After overnight - a night it was time for the ocean boat Mr. Romeo entered the Alas Strait. When the atmosphere was filled with bad weather at sea. The clouds were heavy rainfall accompanied by strong wind gusts. Big waves came one after another. Sea seemed furious. The boat looked blindly tossed and swayed, but all want to achieve the dream world that is always passionate - passionate deep within Mr. Romeo along with his followers.

Shoots beloved side dish arrived. Finally, Mr. Romeo boat sank immediately on the coast of Old Nanga, Manta Village area. After their boat sank. Mr. Romeo and his followers held a consultation. But an agreement in such circumstances is difficult to achieve. Some followers of Mr. Romeo wanted to move on, some others want to find life around the coast of Old Nanga. Most of his followers who want to continue the journey led by a manteri named Mantri Muru. The reason was that the circumstances surrounding the beach is very arid, may not be able to live peacefully. While that does not want to continue the journey led by Mr. Romeo. The reason is because the boat is leaking where it may be able to continue the trip.

Since there is no agreement between Mr. Romeo with Mantri Muru, a fight that ultimately devastating event helmsman Mr. Romeo kills Mantri followers Muru using fire magic, so Mantri Muru died and was buried in Old Beach Nanga (Limung Ivory). Completed funeral then departed the group led by Mr. Romeo trace Nanga old coastal forest to find the source of water, but the way they waste - futile. Then they tried to climb the hill - a hill in the vicinity, because they fear running tirelessly again. Finally they found water on the hill, only the numbers are still insufficient. But while they remain around these springs. About two months later Mr. Romeo dead and buried on the spot. To dedicate the name of Mr Romeo hill was named Olat Remo (Remo Hill). Their boat capsized and now has turned into a rock called Bangka Bela.

Sepeninggalan Mr. Romeo, the disciples began to break one another to find the source of all life - individual, especially those that can be used as an agricultural area. There are heading to the south Olat Remo, a part keterunan China, led by schong Hyang and settled in the region Sekongkang today. Sekongkang origin schong Hyang said. Others headed to the north Olat Remo. They consist keterunan Portuguese and Javanese. They wander up the mountain down the mountain to find a place to live a decent life. Finally they arrived at the flat top of the mountain and water resources that can bring them back. The area was called Ai Mante.

He origin Mantar Mount Taint (mount = mount, tain = flat). So Mantar ie on the flat mountain. Until now keterunan The Portuguese were still in the area of ​​the skin Mantar Caucasians. Sumbawa people say belo. Their number of keterunan Portuguese remained seven people (men and women). If, among seven people keterunan Portuguese nothing changes, then Ai Mante color changes, namely pink - rosy. This indicates that there will be keterunan Portuguese born, so the number would be eight. Even this could not last long, between the eight people had died there must be one person. This means that keterunan The Portuguese in the village of Mantar till now remains of seven people, as much as when they first came.
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Friday, February 8, 2013

Lalu Lepang Kuning


Lalu Lepang Kuning

In ancient times there lived in a village a husband and wife. They live in a state of harmony and peace. The results of field and field and abundant life in all-sufficiency. But all the wealth and luxury of their hearts Live the action, because after such a long marriage has not been blessed with a child. Now 20 years have they married.
Every time they pray to Almighty God to be blessed with a child. But the prayers are being said for so long has not been granted. Nevertheless, both of them never despair. One day they beg to Allah with sincere and honest serene feeling that they are given a child. However the appearance of the child to be blessed to be received with pleasure, though sekirahnya boy later face and looked like frogs. In the prayer of a sudden there came a flash of lightning, the wind was blowing hard so that they become scared. But the fear that they both thought maybe lightning and wind it is a sign that prayers were answered.
Day in and day weeks turned into weeks turned out to be no change in his wife, the feeling that she was pregnant. Joyful hearts because both husband ister means delapa or nine months they will be able to hold the baby.
After his wife's kandunga age seven months, as usual everyone Bugis expecting her first child at the time they entered Biso Tian ceremony held to invoke blessings and salvation hamildan young mothers who are pregnant and children who were in the womb. Approximately two months of childbirth tibahlah it to help labor dipanggilan TBA in the village. How shocked the TBA keteka see a child born in the shape or form of a frog. But the newborn was still treated as ordinary baby. When finished bathing the baby was given to her mother. Seeing his son in exactly the shape and likeness of a frog both husband and wife were not even particularly fond showed disappointment that her baby boy. That means that they both accept the presence of a genuine baby as a gift from Allah SWT.
From year to year the child was cared for both her parents that came to the teen years. After the boy was big with pride they gave the name to his son with the last name of the yellow cucumber. From time to time these children grow and develop into teenagers. As befits human beings, then cucumber Yellow has the same feeling no desire to hang out and make friends, there is a desire to have something, there is a desire, to play, there are other desires.
In the village where she lived And cucumber Yellow are seven very pretty girl. The seven girls known as pitu dadara. Dadara pitu are seven brothers. Extraordinary beauty causes many young people crave untukmenyunting crazy one in antarnya. Included among youth and teenagers Then it was yellow cucumber. Day and night And Yellow cucumber harbored feelings, there is a strong desire to edit one of them to become his wife. Not kuasaia against the will of her heart and soul, though also based on him that he was not fit separately to the husband of a very pretty girl.
Then one day the Yellow cucumber pensive and restless live gejolakbatinya an increasingly strong. Restless looking at yourself And Yellow cucumber did not escape the attention of his parents. Both parents' Yellow cucumber Then ask about what makes him look uneasy. Then finally cucumber Yellow convey all the feelings and wishes to both parents'. The hope is that both parents come to apply one of the pitu dadara it. What surprised both parents then cucumber Yellow hear all the feelings and hopes of her. So far, everything that is requested by cucumber Yellow And always be fulfilled. All because the love both parents are very deep to his son. But this one request mrnghadapi merupakah really an impossible thing. Parents realize that then yellow cucumber that looks like a frog is not appropriate for the Pitu Dadara marry it.
Sense of love for her only child has two parents finally agreed to meet the desires And Yellow cucumber. Plans to apply dimantangkan already. Everything is prepared in the form of items that would normally be diserahkah later to the woman. Who knew acceptable means marriage proposal will be held soon. Seeing her parents are willing to apply Dadara Pitu, happy and merry heart And Yellow cucumber. His face was not moody anymore, because there is hope of a very beautiful girl marry among Dadara Pitu it. After everything was discussed it was decided to immediately implement the proposal.
On a designated day both parents then go home Dadara Yellow cucumber Pitu to apply. They both meet the parents Dadara Pitu. Segerahlah they both express the point that applying for the first child or the firstborn among Dadara Pitu it for persuntingkan by cucumber And Yellow. Both parents Dadara Pitu seems rather difficult to accept the proposal, but they also call his eldest son to ask his willingness. But what happened, heard that he was spoken by cucumber Yellow And then angry, and even gave her parents berate And Yellow cucumber.
"Who wants to dipersuntingkan by the shape and appearance of a frog. I do not want to, it is not appropriate that beautiful girl I thought I was going to be the wife of a frog. Mengaharap Pulanglan and not have anymore, "she said. Hearing the insults and humiliation from her, both parents And Yellow cucumber can only bersabar.Mereka not angry at all, he realized that it was a twist of the family especially children. So as promised before when they pray to have children, although children will like the frog will still be accepted. This promise is upheld by them.
"Well in that case. Before we both meningglkan this glorious place, we apologize for our impudence. Next we excuse me ", said the father then Yellow cucumber with a friendly and courteous attitude.
Then the Yellow cucumber can hardly wait for the return of both parents' house Dadara Pitu. Kept his eyes fixed to the front yard. Once both parents' coming, then cucumber Yellow jumping for joy. After his parents said that the application was rejected, then the Yellow cucumber just smiled. Hope there are Yellow cucumber think then, it was asked that both parents carry the next application for the second child among Dadara Pitu.
Actually parents are Yellow cucumber then feel ashamed to go apply again. But his insistence And Yellow cucumber and compassion they finally implemented a second application. The result has been imagined, it turns out they come under fire and invective more spicy again from both girls. Application denied. And then immediately the second parent cucumber Yellow goodbye. Setibahnya at home, segerahlah the results presented to the child. Knowing her application was rejected again, then just smiled Yellow cucumber, but the greater the desire to be able to marry one among Dadara Pitu. So then back to woo parents cucumber Yellow untnuk propose a third girl. Application is implemented and the results are the same no matter even both parents then cucumber Yellow gets scorn and contempt almost unbearable.
Short story to cover for her sixth entirely rejected. Moreover, the news spread throughout the village that then apply cucumber Yellow Dadara Pitu, and the proposal was turned down. News gossip applying it ended up being everyone. Some say that the family then Yellow cucumber is really no shame, do not know yourself, put yourself tidakdapat. Knowing that his son be a toad why did the liberty to apply beautiful girl. Handsome man who was not necessarily a place in the hearts of Dadara Pitu. From among parents Dadara Pitu and his family felt as if the worth and dignity of harassed and followed by repeatedly applying Then came the Yellow cucumber. Supposedly after the application was rejected And Yellow cucumber and her parents are no longer to come apply.
Then the Yellow cucumber is someone who is not easily discouraged. There is still one hope left, that is applying for a seventh girl. He explained that his parents hope. Both are very loving parents' can not refuse to meet any expectations other than those cucumber Yellow And her only child was. Cintah the child does everything for parents Then Yellow cucumber. Difficult to find parents like that. They are able to break down the sense of despair, rasamalu break, break all the existing doubts. They are principled, human beings are destined to carry out the effort and struggle, and it is God who will determine the outcome. God is ultimately in control of the human heart, then by the principle that they agreed to carry out the application of the seventh youngest girl among the famous Pitu Dadara.
This last trip was not forgotten prayer accompanied by cucumber And Yellow. He prayed to Tuha that both parents have demonstrated a sense of love and responsibility extraordinary for him as a child. So give them the strength and spaciousness in business, especially in this application. Said a prayer And Yellow cucumber. Both parents are Yellow cucumber then delivered to the house Dadara Pitu. So the proposal was expressed immediately.
"Back we apologize for our impudence this. We know that our son And Yellow cucumber is very inappropriate to be daughter in this family and do not deserve to mempersungting dadara pitu. But let us for the last time. We arrived with the last proposal for a younger girl, "says the father then Yellow cucumber.
Segerahlah parents of Dadara Pitu calling her the youngest last. Come girl kneeling near her parents. Her face is very beautiful and gorgeous. He is the fairest of them. Furthermore, the purpose of his parents diutarakanlah And Yellow cucumber.
"I am very proud of both parents And Yellow cucumber is, a very loving child. And I am also very proud of the cucumber Yellow And that has a high spirit, not easily discouraged, as it is with a sincere heart iklas I accept this proposal, "said the youngest girl was. Immeasurably excited parents hearts And Yellow cucumber hear answers with a girl whose contents meneriama lamaranya. And again the youngest girl was talking with a great attitude and friendly manners, very different from the other brothers. Long story short, and quickly both parents And Yellow cucumber excuses to go home.
After coming second parent cucumber Yellow Then, the atmosphere in the house Dadara Pitu serious talks going on between the family. From among the six brothers of the girl's youngest brother was very sorry attitude.
"Why did you accept the proposal then the Yellow cucumber. Why are you willing to dipersunting by people like that. This is so embarrassing, you've menjatuhkah family dignity. We will be humiliated in this village. Therefore, we ask that you cancel it, "said his brothers. Various methods continue to be made in order to cancel the youngest girl and refused an application then Yellow cucumber. But the youngest girl retap the establishment.
Then back to the Yellow cucumber apparently was overwhelmed to hear the news received it. He is very grateful to his parents. Now he's more proud and confident of his parents love him so big and strong. His parents hugged and kissed it. Both his parents had tears in their eyes, they touched upon the events that happened.
In short, the diundanglah all relatives and neighbors in the surrounding areas to perform weddings only child was. In large bondonglah people come from all over the city to witness the marriage lively and impressive. As usual custom before pengatin Bugis are the first wedding ceremony was held barodaki. In the show's second barodak pengatin first bathed premises flower water. When the flower water flowed over his body yellow cucumber Then suddenly a miracle happened. Body and Facial And Yellow cucumber slowly metamorphose into the body and face like a human being. Her skin is smooth and yellow. His face turned very handsome. Then the Yellow cucumber becomes like a prince, all the more when he stood upright it seemed his body which contains solid and sturdy. Eyes keen but cool. Very well with the prospective wife.
Seeing body and handsome face Then Yellow cucumber, it is difficult to find anywhere in the village. No other youth can be compared with the valor and handsomeness And Yellow cucumber. Keenamgadis brothers who reject an application then Yellow cucumber seems to regret. Now they are jealous of you, his youngest. Jealousy eventually turned into hatred.
Pernikahanpun ceremony was held with great solemnity, followed by draw together both on the altar. Everyone present felt partially happy to see the bride's perfect together. Similarly, both the Yellow and cucumber orangtu Then the bride's parents, the They are very happy. The ceremony took place very grabbed attended by people from remote villages beragai either invited or not invited.
A few months after he married wife And Yellow cucumber pregnant. This is when the husband had to go wander left their homeland in accordance traditional Bugis. And then journeyed to start perantauannya Yellow cucumber to another distant land to seek a better livelihood. Before delivery interinya cucumber Yellow And then later going back. During the colony, the sixth brother of the wife And Yellow cucumber looking for ways to seize And Yellow cucumber. Finally, the six brothers intended to kill his brother agreed that the seventh is now the wife And Yellow cucumber and after that they will be easier to win then Yellow cucumber.
With all tipudaya diajaklah old sister who was pregnant to frolic in the ocean by boat. Arriving in the middle of the sea dibuanglah sister into the sea. After that they left his brother and let it float wave slammed. Arriving in the village reported to their parents that their youngest brother had been drowned in the sea while bathing and terserat by currents and waves are very sad, they come to sea to look for wife And Yellow cucumber did not leave a trail.
Then his wife day and night long cucumber Yellow adrift at sea. He tried desperately to save themselves. Badanya painful and difficult to move. Pregnancy that has reached seven months made it difficult to move. But he stuck with hardened-body motion while praying to God I hope he and his son were in the womb so that it can be safely reunited with relatives. Wife And Yellow cucumber is constantly bottom currents and ended up stranded on a deserted island and uninhabited.
Many days he was on a deserted island. Luckily on the island there is a source of fresh water that can be used for drinking. Ate the leaves of the wood that is on the island to sustain life. Want to go he could not. Her body ached as in a state of pregnancy. That night was freezing because there is no fabric that can be used to cover the body except a piece of cloth and clothes that are still attached to the body. In circumstances where one can not even asked for help, he just resigned to fate. But the heart and soul remain dependent on God the Almighty God who holds life and death of human beings. Day and night he lived his life miserable on the island, day and night he prayed.
One day the wife And Yellow cucumber rest under a tree on the island's northeast coast. His gaze swept area of ​​sea to the horizon. He hopes there will be a ship or boat melintas.Tetapi as previous days no boat passing by. But the heart and soul do not get out of hope because he believes God will be there to help him. Suddenly he noticed a speck of distant shadows on the horizon. The shadow pengilahatnnya believe that it was a boat. Sure enough it was a boat. The longer getting bigger and more obvious that it was a great boat. Then he stepped into the blazing sun on the beach for waving a red shawl in the hope it will be viewable by the master of the boat and deign to give petolongan.
The efforts of the wife of the Yellow cucumber Then it worked. Apparently the skipper of the boat was seen lambaia mematulkan shawl light in the sun on the beach. The skipper had known it was an uninhabited island. So sebelummendekati island skipper reported to his parents that there was a wave of fabric seen on the island are dilitasnya there seems to be someone who needs help or assistance. The owner of the boat that is hosting the skipper was then turned yellow cucumber. Soon And Yellow cucumber ordered to close and anchored on the beach.
From the top of the boat, then cucumber Yellow see that the waving cloth was a young woman who was pregnant. Imagined by him of course his wife in the village have also been pregnant like the one on the island. A nearby island, and then cucumber Yellow memerintahkah his men to come to the shore by using a small boat. Diajaklah that pregnant women on board. And was surprised then to learn that the Yellow cucumber young women old pregnant again is none other than his wife, who has been the development kerinduanya during overseas. Likewise, his wife was already weak and weary was very surprised to learn that the owner of the boat that had helped him into it it turned out that her husband had been missed and prayed to quickly return to welcome the birth of babies still in the womb. His wife was unable to hold back tears before he could tell the events that happened to him. Then continue to overcome cucumber Yellow question mark seemed unsure of why his wife ended up in a deserted island and terpecil it.
Then his wife told him the whole incident from beginning to end he saved. Then the Yellow cucumber is very sad but he could still control all feelings. He tried menenengkan wife, hugged his wife with affection so that the wife feels protected now. Then Yellow cucumber immediately ordered the captain and the entire crew to weigh anchor boat sails to proceed.
Finally after two days and two nights on our way Then came the Yellow cucumber with his wife to her hometown. What a surprise when he saw saudarnya six brothers who have drowned at sea in a state fit and go home with her husband then Yellow cucumber. Their suspicions that his brother had died at sea. The six brothers were crying uncontrollably regretted a cunning and cruel. They now knelt before then cucumber Yellow and before his brother to beg for forgiveness for all the mistakes they have done.
Yellow cucumber plainly finally memaafkah sixth of his wife's brothers. And the next after that then cucumber Yellow live happily in peace with his wife. Not long after their complete happiness after they have given a child the fruit of marriage. Children dashing and handsome as both parents'.

Authors :
1.Biso Tian is a form of ritual to invoke the safety of women who are pregnant, as well as the safety of her unborn child. In the language of Sumbawa Biso means washing, and tian means stomach. But tian Biso terms can not be translated into the Indonesian language is the term laxative. Because intilah laxative in the Indonesian language is very different than the term tian language Biso Sumbawa.
2.Lalu Yellow cucumber, is the name. Then is one title given by the parents because of the position they have of aristocratic lineage. Cucumber means the frog (the animal which is usually referred to as a frog). Yellow indicates the color.
3. Dadara Pitu, is a term for the seven girls in this story. Dadara mean girls, and pitu means seven. The term shall not be construed Dadara Pitu seven girls in a general sense, but it has a distinctive sense as seven girls were sisters.
4.Barodak, is one of a series of traditional marriage of Sumbawa. The event was preceded by a water bath with flower show. After that proceed to the bride's body smeared with odak a type of powder or scrubs that are specifically formulated to make your skin look clean and beautiful substitute.

Resource : http://www.sumbawakab.go.id
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Love Story Datu Musing And Mipa Deapati


Love Story Datu Musing And Maipa Deapati

Nan heartwarming love story between Datu Museng and Maipa Deapati departs from folklore are very popular among the people of Makassar, narrated by the elderly to their children and grandchildren, so that they can reap the blessings of education, struggle and loyalty. So much so the story between the son of Datu Museng Gowa royal nobility and royalty Maipa Deapati Princess Royal Sumbawa is embedded in the minds of the people makassar, so then the name of these two legendary figures was immortalized as the name of the street in the city of Makassar. Street name seemed deliberately close together side by side as if the Government of Makassar lasting relationships helped bless them both. Maipa road on the right side Imperial Aryaduta Makassar.Pada Museng Datu road west end, there are two grave sites with headstones biting timber firm, who supposedly said that the tomb of the couple's love dimakamkam, Datu Museng and lover Maipa Deapati.

Datu Museng romance and Maipa Deapati began when Addengareng grandfather of Datu Museng fled with his granddaughter cross a vast ocean toward the land Sumbawa, a result of political pitting Dutch colonizers waged on the ground Gowa, who made the earth Gowa volatile and not conducive anymore to be a safe place to live.

On the island of Sumbawa Datu Museng that eventually grew into an adult and met Maipa Pengajian Deapati in a house called Bale Mampewa. Finally growing seeds of love hearts Datu Museng since I first saw the figure Maipa Deapati elegant and enchanting. But the love of Datu Museng to Maipa Deapati into a forbidden love because Maipa Deapati was engaged to a prince named Prince Mangalasa Selaparang Lombok.

After Datu Museng grandfather knew that his grandson loved Maipa Deapati, was surprised his grandfather. The old man felt ashamed. He considers his grandson was a piece of gold that has been contaminated by mud, while Maipa Deapati daughter of a nobleman is like a lump of pearl that has not been touched and inappropriate edited Datu Museng.

Datu Museng know that his love for Maipa Deapati blocked by a solid wall, then at the instigation of his grandfather, Datu Museng journeyed to the Holy land of Mecca to sit. It was there that he gained knowledge "Flower Ejana Madina". Datu's departure to the land of Mecca Museng turns instead of making two beings who love each other is to be separated, but the separation was even more careful to make the bond between them grew stronger.

After getting knowledge on the ground overseas, then Datu Museng return to Sumbawa with a longing membarakepada Maipa Deapati. Arriving in Sumbawa apparently missed her lover who is ill, and Datu Museng also treat Maipa Deapati with knowledge acquired from the land of Mecca. Hearing the news that her fiance loves Datu Maipa Deapati Museng, creating jealousy in the hearts of Prince Mangalasa volatile and certainly hurt. Prince Mangalasa then allied with the Dutch in order to kill the Datu Museng. But Datu Museng a supremely powerful it can not be defeated by Prince Mangalasa and the Netherlands.

Finally Datu Museng received the blessing of the Sultan of Sumbawa, They then married and given the rank of Datu Museng Pangllima war. Yet some long married, blowing news that in Makassar volatile amid the chaos caused by the Dutch government in power ground Makassar. Datu Museng have become warlords was then later sent to Makassar by the Sultan of Sumbawa at the request of the King of Goa to resolve the issue.

Therefore went Museng Datu and his wife to the ground Maipa Deapati Makassar.Setibanya in Makassar, Datu Museng get another challenge as captain of the Netherlands that just loves Maipa Deapati, and launched a wide range of terror attacks against Datu Museng to seize Maipa Deapati of Datu Museng. Consequently Datu Museng pressed the attack was Dutch. But for Maipa Deapati love to Datu Museng is set in stone for him, he did not allow anyone to take it away from Datu Museng. Deapati Maipa lover then asked Datu Museng to kill him, because his love for Datu Datu Museng Museng only one, it feels better to die than to submit himself to the Dutch.

With a very heavy heart Datu Museng then granted the request of his wife, he also Badik inheritance then thrust into the neck of the beloved. After that, because of his deep love for his wife Maipa Deapati, Datu Musengpun then release all her knowledge of science, let himself be killed by the Dutch. The story is what continues to be remembered by the people of Makassar to date, romance Romeo And Juliet Version Makassar.

Resource : http://www.sumbawakab.go.id
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